Monumentul Independentei - Tulcea
Eroilor din Razboiul pentru Independenta se afla pe Colnicul Hora
(astazi dealul Monumentului), in Parcul Monumentului, unde se gasesc si
ruinele cetatii Aegyssus.
Piatra de temelie a fost pusa la 17 octombrie 1879, in prezenta regelui Carol I. Conceptul si executia Monumentului apartine sculptorului George Vasilescu.
Liga pentru propasirea Dobrogei, condusa de poetul Ion Nenitescu, a avut initiativa ridicarii Monumentului ca omagiu adus eroismului si al vitejiei poporului roman in razboiul pentru eliberarea de sub dominatia otomana (1877-1878).
In forma initiala, monumentul era amplasat pe soclu de plan patrat, in doua trepte, realizat din granit de Dobrogea, plasat pe un piedestal in forma de doua volume paralelipipedice si un trunchi de piramida, ornate cu brau si cornisa pe care se inalta maiestuos un obelisc inalt de 22 de metri realizat din granit de Ravena. La baza obeliscului, se aflau 2 elemente sculpturale, un dorobant cu arma pe umar si o goarna in mana si al doilea element sculptural, un vultur urias cu aripile deschise.
Independence Monument - TulceaMonument of the War of Independence is on Hora (Monument Hill today) in Monument Park, where there are the ruins Aegyssus.
The cornerstone was laid on 17 October 1879 in the presence of King Carol I. The concept and execution monument belongs to sculptor George Vasilescu.League for the advancement of Dobrogea, led by poet John Nenitescu, took the initiative build the monument as a tribute to the heroism and bravery of the Romanian people in the war for liberation from Ottoman domination (1877-1878).
In its initial form, the monument was placed on the pedestal of square plan, two-stage, made of granite Dobrogea, placed on a pedestal in the form of two volumes rectangular and a truncated pyramid, ornate belt and cornice which rises majestically a 22 meters tall obelisk made of granite from Ravenna. At the base of the obelisk, were two sculptural elements, a DOROBANT gun on his shoulder and a second bugle in hand and sculptural element, a giant eagle with open wings.
The cornerstone was laid on 17 October 1879 in the presence of King Carol I. The concept and execution monument belongs to sculptor George Vasilescu.League for the advancement of Dobrogea, led by poet John Nenitescu, took the initiative build the monument as a tribute to the heroism and bravery of the Romanian people in the war for liberation from Ottoman domination (1877-1878).
In its initial form, the monument was placed on the pedestal of square plan, two-stage, made of granite Dobrogea, placed on a pedestal in the form of two volumes rectangular and a truncated pyramid, ornate belt and cornice which rises majestically a 22 meters tall obelisk made of granite from Ravenna. At the base of the obelisk, were two sculptural elements, a DOROBANT gun on his shoulder and a second bugle in hand and sculptural element, a giant eagle with open wings.
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