luni, 17 ianuarie 2022

Demontare si reparare contact Volkswagen Touareg-Disassembly and repair of contact Wolkswagen Touareg.

 Demontare si reparare contact Volkswagen Touareg-Disassembly and repair of contact Wolkswagen Touareg.

Deoarece am avut probleme cu contactul la Touareg si nu am gasit pe net nici un fel de documentatie am facut acest tutorial.

Problema a fost din contactul mecanic si anume bloca cheia si nu o elibera la oprirea motorului.

Am demontat contactul si apoi l-am desfacut si am spalat si apoi gresat partea mecanica si problema s-a rezolvat.

Pentru demontare contact.

1.Se scoate capacul ornament de la contact.Acesta are niste cleme metalice si iese prin extragere.Cu grija si atentie sa nu il fortati si sa il rupeti.

2.Se demonteaza unitatea de navigarie sau radio.Si aici trebuie atenti dar si sculele (lamelele de eliberare) speciale pentru fiecare tip de navigatie.

3.Se desface piulita de plastic din jurul contactului pentru ai permite acestuia sa se deplaseze in spate.

4.Se impinge contactul in spate si se scoate in spatial in care a fost navigatia si apoi se scoate cu grija mufa electrica.


Desfacere contact.

1.Se desfa cele doua suruburi cu torx.

2.Se desfac cu grija clemele de plastic de jur imprejur si se scot carcasele de plastic fata si spate.

3.Cu atentie se spala si se regreseaza.

4.Pentru a desface maim ult de atit trebuie decositorite firele de legatura de pe partea electrica .La mine nu a fost nevoie.

Daca defectiunea este electronica va recomand or isa inlocuiti contactul ori sa apelati la un electronist specializat pe auto (care de obicei au manopere destul de mari).

 The movie.

Because I had problems with contacting Touareg and I couldn't find any documentation on the net, I did this tutorial.

The problem was with the mechanical contact, locking the key and not releasing it when the engine is stopped.

I disassembled the contact and then I opened it and washed and then greased the mechanical part and the problem was solved.

For contact disassembly.

1. Remove the ornament cover from the contact. It has some metal clips and comes out by extraction. With care and attention do not force it and break it.

2. Remove the navigation unit or radio. Here you must also pay attention but also the special tools (release slats) for each type of navigation.

3. Loosen the plastic nut around the contact to allow it to move backwards.

4. Push the ignition back and remove it into the space where the navigation was and then carefully remove the electrical plug.



1. Loosen the two torx screws.

2. Carefully unscrew the plastic clips around and remove the front and rear plastic housings.

3. Carefully wash and regress.

4. In order to untie the last bit, the connecting wires on the electrical side must be peeled off.

If the fault is electronic, I recommend replacing the ignition contact or contacting a car electronics technician (who usually has fairly large labor).

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