marți, 3 iunie 2014

One day working in Bulgaria-O zi de munca in Bulgaria la inmatriculari si cautat de masini SH.

In the morning we come with 2 car for registration:

Descarc masinile si asteptam sa depunem documentele pentru a intra pe filiera normala a sistemului.
Unloaded the car and expect to submit documents to enter the normal pathway system.

 Una din masini este inregistrata in circulatie iar cealalta urmeaza in scurt timp.
 One of the car is registered in circulation and the other follows shortly.

 Intre timp pentru utilitara IVECO efectuam si revizia tehnica periodica din 6 in 6 luni.
 Meanwhile the utility IVECO and perform regular service of 6 in 6 months.

 Si pentru ca am terminat in timp util avem timp sa studiem si oferta de masini la vinzare.
 And I finished in time have time to study and offer cars on sale.

 Plecam spre casa.
Starting to home.

 Si natura ne ofera si un spectacol de lumini si umbre.
And nature gives us and a show of lights and shadows.

 The END!I hope you like it.

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